Sunday, September 26, 2010

Jodie's 25th Birthday!

First off, let me just say that I can NOT believe I am already 25 years old! That quarter century flew by.

As luck would have it, David flew in from his trip at 2pm on my birthday. I picked him up at the airport in New Orleans and then we headed over to the French Quarter for lunch at Bubba Gump's.
We had a great time. There is a gift shop with all kinds of funny and cute things from the movie, and the dining room is decorated with lots of posters and memorablia, including the actual clothes they wore. The food was AMAZING.

 I had Mama Blue's Fried Shrimp:

And David had Lt Dan's Drunken Shrimp:

We did a little shopping in New Orleans and then came home. As we were pulling into our subdivision I noticed all my friends were outside, and then as we rounded the corner I saw why. This is what our front yard looked like!

 I got FORKED!!! As I was standing in the yard laughing with all my friends (who were the culprits!) I remembered that one on them had a key to my house! About the time I realized this, David opened the front door and this is what we found inside...

I love my neighbors! These girls crack me up. I was finding new surprises for days, like the bows in the microwave, or that the confetti was TAPED to the floor. Or the most surprising, that the veggie sprayer at the sink was taped, so that it sprayed water all over me when I tried to wash my hands. Gotta love the "Nickel Loop Laides"!!!

And the sweetest part was that David had asked Andrea to have flowers waiting for me when we got back. It was so sweet that even though he was flying home from a foreign country, he was thoughtful enough to have flowers for me on my brithday!

It was a great birthday! Thanks to all those who made it wonderful!! And especailly David, I love you!!

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